Beginning December 9, School Board and School Board Committee meetings move to our new permanent location at Lincoln School (211 S. 6th Ave.)
Welcome to 4th grade. We are committed to creating independent learners that are encouraged to take risks in their learning. Through collaboration and self directed learning students will increase their level of engagement. In 4th grade we provide students with strategies that will help them be successful and take ownership of their learning.
Reading instruction is all about reading to learn. Fourth graders are digging deep to find meaning in their text. Your child will participate in whole group, small group and independent reading to enhance their reading growth.
Math concepts include multiplication, division and fractions, just to name a few. Students will use a variety of strategies to demonstrate their understanding, while integrating reading and writing into math. It is encouraged that students have a strong understanding of basic math facts coming to fourth grade.
Writing instruction includes narrative, information and opinion. Students have the opportunity to learn from peers as well as teacher models. They participate in a workshop model that permits all students to write and share in an inclusive environment.
Science includes learning the scientific process and hands-on experiments using PLTW.
Connect with the Fourth Grade staff at Norton Creek through our Staff Directory page. Search: 4th Grade