Welcome to the wonderful world of first grade! We have so many fun things for you to learn and do to get ready to grow your knowledge!
In reading we will be immersed in both fiction and non-fiction books. You will learn how to use multiple reading strategies to figure out brand new words, just like a detective! While reading, you will learn new facts and information and enjoy books that have a problem and solution.
During our math time together, you will become a mathematician! You will learn many strategies for adding and subtracting, solving word problems, collecting data for graphs, measuring and using math tools. You will get to share your math strategies with your first grade friends so that they learn right along with you!
In first grade, you get to be a scientist. You will study the sun, moon and stars, plants, animal adaptations and light and sound. Like a scientist, you will need to think of creative ways to solve a problem.
The writing we do in first grade will turn you into an author! As you learn how to write personal narratives, opinion pieces, nonfiction fact books and letters, you will also become proficient at spelling.
Wow, first grade is a great place to be!
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